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There are numerous gifting options available and the correct gifting plan for you balances what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family and your charitable interests.  A few examples include:


Memorial Gifts: The Foundation is honored to be the designee of memorial gifts.  Gifts given in memory of loved ones will be receipted by the Foundation and the family will receive a listing of those gifts.  Please contact the Foundation to make arrangements at 248-449-1211 or through email at NEF@NOVIK12.ORG.


Bequest in a Will or Trust: Any asset which can be given during lifetime can also be gifted through a Will or Trust.  Donor’s simply designate certain assets or a percentage of their estate to “The Novi Educational Foundation".


Other: If there is another way that you wish to leave your legacy on the Novi Community School District, please contact us at NEF@NOVIK12.ORG to discuss further.

In Collaboration With:
25345 Taft Rd., Novi, MI  48374  |  Tel: (248) 449-1211  |   Email: NEF@NOVIK12.ORG
© Copyright 2021 by NEF | All Rights Reserved
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